Magnesia Horse Riding programs Magnesia Horse Riding program 1 This route starts from the riding club in Koropi.After an hour of riding in gorgeous naturalscenery alongside the river Mpelegrino underthe pine trees, we reach the Kala Nera Beach(Good Waters Beach), and then through theolive groves we return to the club.
Conditions You don´t need to have prior experience,everyone can register for this excursionDuration: 1hour -1hour,30΄min.Distance: 3.6 km.
Magnesia Horse Riding program 2 Our route starts at the riding club and lasts 2 to 3hours, riding in gorgeous natural sceneryalongside the river Mpelegrino and we reach theKala Nera Beach. We ride through the olive grovesand will pass the settlement Koropi or otherwiseknown as Boúfa with a huge sandy beach in thePagasitikos Gulf, well organized, with leisurefacilities and catering, ideal for swimming and astroll. Passing the settlement we will ascend on a pathwith unique beauty and ride through anothersettlement, Stavrodromi and thereby descendtowards the club overlooking both the PagasiticGulf and the villages of Milies and Vyzítsa.
Conditions You don´t need to have prior experience,everyone can register for this excursionDuration: 2hours,30 min – 3hours.Distance: 17 km.